Voice of Experts: blockchain & Cryptography

Voice of Experts: blockchain & Cryptography

By Sylvain CARRIOU, Mourad FAHER, Alban FERAUD and Christine HENNEBERT

The digital world is now hyperconnected and it is gradually changing daily life of the European Citizens and consumers.

This transformation of our society imposes to revise also our legal framework to make sure that the European Values are included into this “new digital ocean”.

This digital world is not virtual! It is composed of hardware, software, applications, connectivity and human capital/know-how.

This expertise derives from technology experts which play a part in modernizing the traditional institutional scheme and finally innovating the world.

Eurosmart is proud to count the most renowned technologies experts from the cryptography community, digital identity technologies, biometric technologies and digital security.

These critical technologies are deployed in the hands of several billions of users to secure their digital identities, transactions, business and personal data… Sometimes simply their privacy.

Eurosmart is the ‘spokesperson’ of this European excellence in the world and our experts are actively contributing to the European and International standardization process.

We are proud of our European roots but we can boast an open-mindedness at the same time, thanks to our global presence.

In view of this, we would like to share biannually the “Opinion of experts” from our community.

The first edition is dedicated to the cryptography technology with a strong focus on the blockchain in the digital identity and the personal data protection, the future of the post quantum crypto.

Stefane Mouille – president of Eurosmart
