08 Jun 2022 Eurosmart’s PP-0117 receives a certification award by the German Federal Cybersecurity Authority (BSI)
On June 8th 2022, in San Francisco, Eurosmart received a certification award for the Protection Profile Certificate PP-0117 delivered by the German Federal Cybersecurity Authority (BSI). During a ceremony organized by TeleTrusT (IT Security Association) at the German Consulate General, BSI President Mr Schönbohm handed over the certificate to Eurosmart delegates: Mr Ilia Stolov (Winbond), Mr Daniel O’Loughlin (Qualcomm) and Mr Marcus Janke (Infineon).

This new Protection Profile developed by Eurosmart illustrates the trend in semi-conductor’s domain to include advanced security functions in security subsystem integrated with the system on chip (SOC) or the microcontroller. Just like the PP-0084, Eurosmart aims to make the new PP-0117 a key reference to assess the security capability of such sub-systems. The PP has the potential to improve everyone’s daily life by making sure that key components in smartphones, laptops and other connected devices are fully secure.