Position Papers

They used to be a piece of paper easily torn. They have now the size and the texture of a credit card. Driving licences in Europe have kept evolving for the past decades. Today, the European Commission envisages revising the legislation on driving licences to...

The EU eIDAS expert group working on eIDAS 2.0 published on February 22nd, the European Digital Identity Architecture and Reference Framework (the “ARF”). Eurosmart's members have collectively reviewed this document and provided the EU eIDAS expert group with an exhaustive list of comments (the commenting table is...

Last June, the European Commission proposed a text amending the current version of the eIDAS Regulation. This proposal is a breakthrough in the eIDAS ecosystem. It will bring every Member State to notify at least one electronic identification scheme level High. Furthermore, the proposal introduces...

Eurosmart feedback on COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) supplementing of Directive 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the application of the essential requirements for radio equipment referred to in Article 3(3), points (d), (e) and (f), EUROSMART welcomes the latest draft...

Last April, the European Commission published a proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on Artificial Intelligence (AI). This AI Act establishes requirements for AI systems depending on a risk-based approach. Eurosmart welcomes the proposal and provided the following feedback to the European Commission: ...