
Eurosmart feedback on COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) supplementing of Directive 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the application of the essential requirements for radio equipment referred to in Article 3(3), points (d), (e) and (f), EUROSMART welcomes the latest draft...

Eurosmart, the Voice of the Digital Security Industry, is a European non-profit association located in Brussels, representing the European digital security industry for multisector applications. Founded in 1995, the association is committed to expanding the digital secure devices market, developing smart security standards and continuously...

Last April, the European Commission published a proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on Artificial Intelligence (AI). This AI Act establishes requirements for AI systems depending on a risk-based approach. Eurosmart welcomes the proposal and provided the following feedback to the European Commission: ...

The European Commission recently proposed a framework for a European Digital Identity. The proposed legislation amends the eIDAS Regulation and introduces the concept of European Digital Identity Wallet. The European Commission did not choose a particular technology at this stage. However, Member States will soon...

A Silicon shortage, initially hitting the automotive industry and widely covered by the media over the last months, is now spreading to consumer electronics, as more and more household goods use computer chips. First announcements have already been made by smartphone manufacturers, reporting difficulties due...

Public Consultation Eurosmart Technical group, ITSC, has developed  a Protection Profile for Secure Sub-System in System-on-Chip (3S in SOC) Modern System-on-Chip (SoC) products integrate more and more advanced functions, including security. Security Sub-System is also being integrated into the SoC (integrated Secure Element / eUICC). The target is...

Eurosmart has long been advocating for mandatory cybersecurity certification of specific products used by Operators of Essential Services and Digital Service Providers (NIS 1), now called essential and important entities (NIS 2). Cybersecurity certification ensures that products resist a given level of cyber-attacks. Such a...