
Eurosmart welcomes the creation of a new Intergroup on Digital Agenda which will constitute a new forum for debates between MEPs and external stakeholders On Thursday the 11th of December, the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament officially approved the list of the 28 intergroups...

Le gouvernement français pourrait décider de retirer la puce électronique du permis de conduire Depuis le 19 janvier 2013, chaque permis de conduire délivré au sein de l’Union européenne doit correspondre à un format unique « carte plastique » (similaire au format d’une carte de crédit)...

Eurosmart released today a press release (in French), after the French government implied that, for budgetary reasons, the chip from the newly implemented electronic driving license could be removed. [pdf-embedder url="" title="Eurosmart – Communiqu de presse – Permis de conduire lectronique en France – Novembre 2014"]...

Treating smart cards as Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment would cause serious security and privacy risks for EU citizens On the 13 of August 2012, the updated version of the European Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE Directive) entered into force1. By...

Which digital identities will you have in the hyperconnected world of 2020? How will cloud services streamline digital services and contribute to a better quality of life? How can you be confident that the cashless payments you make and connected objects you use do not...

Eurosmart, SPA and SIMalliance joint Press Release points out that used smart cards are not to be considered Electrical and Electronic Waste, and that treating smart cards as Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) would cause serious damages. [pdf-embedder url="" title=""]...

Following the recent entry into force of the eIDAS Regulation, Eurosmart co-organized with the European Commission and other sectoral associations* the eIDAS launching event on October 14th 2014.

Registered and Certified by Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) under the reference BSI-CC-PP-0084-2014. [pdf-embedder url="" title="pp0084b_pdf"]...

Eurosmart exposes its views on digital identity security, and recommends the deployment in Europe of a “high assurance” level for digital identities, security certified in reference to SOGIS-MRA, as well as the support and the enlargement of f SOGIS-MRA as a common framework and a...

Eurosmart, the Voice of the Smart Security Industry, released the 2014 figures for the worldwide secure elements shipments and the smart secure contactless markets as well as the corresponding 2015 forecast. The data provided by Eurosmart consist of the consolidated figures supplied by its member...