Author: admin8520

This position paper deals with European opportunities through e-EHIC challenges (notably eID and eHealth) and presents e-EHIC as a “unique solution in front of eID challenges”. [pdf-embedder url=""]...

On 20 June 2012, Eurosmart brought together key leading figures in Brussels on dawn of Digital Agenda, proposing solutions for security and privacy in the digital world. [pdf-embedder url=""]...

Digital Security Reference Paper [pdf-embedder url="" title="digital_security reference_paper_20 june_2012_eurosmart"] Position Paper : Security of Mobile Devices, Applications and Transactions [pdf-embedder url=""] View the presentation made by Mr. Jan Eichholz on 20 June 2012 [pdf-embedder url=""] Position Paper : Smart Embedded Security for the Internet of Things [pdf-embedder url=""] View the presentation made by...

The European Commission adopted a Proposal for a Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transaction in the internal market on 4 June 2012. [pdf-embedder url=""]...

Opening the World Card Summit (Paris) on 15 November 2011, Eurosmart confirmed that over 6 billion microprocessor based smart secure devices will be shipped this year. [pdf-embedder url="" title="eurosmart_press_ release_smart_cards_shipment_111115"]...

Security and standardisation remain major challenges for the further deployment of M2M systems. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of M2M applications, to stress potential risks in term of security and standardisation for the rapid development of M2M sys-tems, and to...

Eurosmart General Assembly was organised on 3 May in Brussels. During the meeting, Eurosmart confirmed the dynamism of the Smart Security Industry with positive market figures, new members and ambitious 2011 plan. [pdf-embedder url=""]...