16 May 2018 Eurosmart continues to expand: three new companies joined the Association
Bactech, Internet of Trust and KEOLABS are now Members of Eurosmart
Eurosmart, ‘The Voice of the Digital Industry’ among the European and National Institutions and the Brussels eco-system, is proud to welcome three new members as part of our association.
The Association, through these three memberships, gains critical and technical competence in three different areas: firstly, in the biometry technology sector with Bactech; secondly in the Common Criteria & IT & Security certification scheme with Internet of Trust; finally, in functional Conformity testing in ePass, Edl, eID, NFC and EMV payment means as well as the Mobile ePassport & Mobile eDL with KEOLABS.
“Eurosmart has actively supported the SOGIS MRA for over 20 years and offers a unique position to address the challenges of todays’ digital market security certification. Internet of Trust is already involved in the definition and operation of several global certification schemes and this membership is the opportunity to contribute to the convergence between proven practices and the ENISA new mandate in the near future” Claire Loiseaux -CEO of Internet of Trust- said.
“Being part of Eurosmart is a strategic evolution for KEOLABS: given that we represent a 40 employees’ SME, following the decision makers activity has become harder, particularly regarding the dematerialization of the physical documents on the Mobile phone,” Michael Leplatois -Predisent of KEOLABS- said.
“Apple transformed the biometric technologies from a ‘police & justice’ topic into a ‘cool technology’ for the end users, making their life simpler. Eurosmart working group on Biometry technologies is a key moment to bring the security knowledge from forensic labs towards the commercial devices makers. Bactech is proud to bring its 20 years expertise on biometrics and biometric systems performance & security evaluation lab capabilities to this lasting and renowned industry association” Claude Barral- CEO of Bactech- said.
“As Eurosmart President, I am extremely honored and proud to count three new SMEs experts in Cyber Security, Digital Identities, Security Certification scheme, Biometry technologies and Conformity testing of critical infrastructures.
This shows that EU big companies and EU SME are extremely complementary: we have to keep in mind that the 95% of the Cyber Security, Digital Identities and Biometry technologies providers are SME’s in Europe” Stefane Mouille, President of Eurosmart, added